Rabu, 03 April 2013

Dan mereka memohon kemenangan (atas musuh-musuh mereka) dan binasalah semua orang yang berlaku sewenang-wenang lagi keras kepala, (QS. IBRAHIM:15)

1 komentar:

  1. Salam alikum
    This book is my synthesis
    Easiest book in the science of Tajweed
    for kids and Starter

    I hope to be helpful to you


    Do you want to learn how to read the Qur'an? Without any cost? Are the explanations complicated? Rules & idioms while you are a beginner? Are you afraid it will take a lot of time? Obstacles & difficulties? Now A book 16 steps in the basics of Tajweed You will sure learn In less than a month..you will learn the rules of Tajweed with the easiest explanations & the briefest sentences

